Don’t let costly legal fees hold you back from protecting your business.
Your small business can now have the peace of mind of having its own experienced business attorney...without the outrageous hourly rates
With our program for small businesses, you get all the benefits of hiring General Counsel without having to destroy your cash flow.
Peace of mind is priceless. Now it’s actually affordable.
Gone are the days of having to spend thousands of dollars to hire an attorney.
Your small business deserves the peace of mind of having the same top-tier attorney as the big guys use...without the top-tier bill.
Welcome to a FIRST OF ITS KIND attorney program designed exclusively for your small business.
Don't wait until a crisis occurs to find an attorney. Make us your personal attorney today. Your General Counsel. On Call.
Running a business comes with enough risks. Your legal advice shouldn’t be one of them. At My General Counsel On Call, you'll have a personal attorney dedicated to helping grow your business.
No generic advice. No anonymous chat boxes. Just real, personalized advice from your attorney who knows you, your business, and your vision.
Our monthly retainer service ensures you have consistent, convenient access to an experienced attorney...when you need it...and without the high cost of a hiring a typical law firm.
You’ll have the confidence of knowing your business is protected by an expert who’s as committed to your success as you are.