Why Do You Charge A Flat Monthly Fee?
Great question. A lot of law firms are centered around billing per hour and exhausting the client's "Advanced Fee Deposit" payment...then having the gall to ask for more money. I used to work there and I hated that setup. That is EXACTLY the reason why small businesses can't afford to hire a good lawyer.
I've run several small businesses. When I grew up, my Dad ran small businesses. I know that the most important thing business owners need is CERTAINTY.
I spent a lot of time designing a fee structure that provides this certainty to small businesses. I want to make sure that you can have an attorney like me available and never wonder if it will jeopardize your finances. Moreover, I didn't want to have a billing setup where you got trained to think that an email from me could be a bill. You get enough of those. I want to provide certainty, peace of mind, and greater confidence as you grow your business.
Why Do You Charge Such Low Fees?
Quite frankly, I approached how I set my fee BACKWARDS. Most firms want to figure out how much money they can charge and then try to find clients rich enough to pay those fees.
Before determining what I could charge, I first set out to determine what fees were affordable to the typical small business and would allow me to provide the services I knew they would need. That is the essence of the pricing packages you see HERE.
I know that most small businesses need an attorney for specific things that come up, whether it's a contract, an HR question, or business planning. With that in mind, I realized that charging clients an hourly rate made no sense at all. The last thing I would want to do is send you a huge bill when you had a tough month.
Instead, I realized that the best way to set up services was through a "true retainer". This is where clients pay a set amount each month to ensure that I am available to work for them. This provides certainty to my clients, but also to me. And in the end, it makes life easier for you...because when you have a legal question, you don't have to search around town for an attorney and then pay a huge down payment. Instead, you have your own General Counsel...on call...available to help when you need it.
Why Are You Marketing Just To Small Businesses?
Because I know small businesses really well. I have a lot of friends who own small businesses. I know their needs and I know most if not all of them can't afford a good attorney...because the best attorneys make it so hard for small businesses to use them. Until now.
When I Sign Up, Can I Contact You To Ask You Questions?
Yes. That is part of the pricing package you sign up for. When you sign up, you'll been able to reach out to me via phone or email.
How Do You Determine How Long It Takes To Complete Certain Tasks?
Great question. I have published a list of tasks where I have a standard timeframe to complete the task. When you sign up, you will have access to the list of pre-timed tasks. This provides clarify and certainty to you that your current subscription package will suffice...and if not, gives you the option to upgrade to a better plan for you.
Should you submit a request that is not covered in the list of pre-timed tasks, I will review the request and provide a time estimate for you based on the scope of the request.
In the end, we aim to provide clarity and certainty to you.
What If I Need More Than 4 Hours Per Month?
That certain does occur. In that instance, in our Executive package, we provide the option of adding hours onto your package for a given month. For example, if you need something that requires 8 hours of work, you can add the other 4 hours for that month à la carte. We will bill for those 4 hours based on our standard rate for these added hours. Because these hours are over and above the hours we set aside for our clients on retainer, the hourly rate will be higher than the pro rata retainer rate for you package. We will discuss this rate upon request.